Saturday, May 18, 2013

Defending our nation from the inside.

The Democrats (AKA: the Progressives/The Rinos/The KKK/The Socialist Party of America/The Mainstream Media) have done a very good job with their use of political correctness and critical theory to divide the nation into a bunch of self-interested, squabbling children, and the best defense the RNC has managed to come up with has been to attempt to redefine the Republican party with a "New Coke/let's-try-to-imitate-our-competition" image. 

The fact of the matter is that the reason the Republicans did so well against the Dems in 2010 was because of the influx of truly conservative voices that wholeheartedly believed in the freedom, liberty and justice the original Republicans spoke out for; the party that fought tooth and nail to end slavery, segregation, and other such evils both in the 19th and 20th centuries. 

The "Old Republican Guard", though, were unhappy in their being pushed aside for a more pure conservatism and thus we ended up with Mitt 'Mittens' Romney, (just as we had run with the John 'the RINO' McCain in 2008)... and subsequently lost an election that could have easily been won had the RNC listened in 2010 to the majority of their own party. 

What I'm about to say is gonna make heads explode and eyes roll, because it runs counter to everything the mainstream media (and liberal college campuses and other state run institutions nationwide) has been preaching for the last 4-5 years, but if the RNC had listened to the so-called "tea party" in the first place, we'd have had not only won the election, but we'd have been able to run a real contender instead of the milquetoast the RNC squandered our chances with. 

I contend that if we truly want positive change, we need to turn off our TVs, do a bit of research ourselves on the upcoming elections and stop listening to the talking heads to make our final decisions. Debates are nice, but as was seen in the debates for 2012 the guys who run the debates are hardly unbiased and will kowtow to the far left, because those stands are what most of them earnestly believe. 

We need to know our beliefs and be able to aptly defend them if we are ever to recognize the country we live in again. We need to know that our cause is not racist, it is true freedom because it levels the playing field instead of leveling (and subsequently decreasing) the rewards. We need to realize that the govt doesn't give a hand up, it buys votes with bribes of substandard living. Govt doesn't create jobs, it can only support or destroy a healthy workforce. Govt will not be our loving caretaker, it will only ever be the one that holds the whip. I am not an anarchist. The govt needs to exist, but it needs to be pruned, because the fruits it currently bears are small and bitter.

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